Atelier Ashley Flowers

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April Magic Bouquet

April goes way too fast! Somehow the drudgery of March gives way and you find yourself halfway through April before realizing you are in it. 

April is a month when you put plans into action and then wait and watch for your seedlings to grow. The warm winds of May are on the horizon but the threat of frost still lingers.

My April Magic Bouquet is designed to help you slow down and enjoy the pleasures of life at home while accomplishing your work goals.

April Words:

Happy, racing, wet, bunnies, babies, pastels, warming, thawing, fresh, forgotten, congenial, positive, brisk, slow it down, leafing, fresh, new beginnings, forgotten trees.

April flowers and their associations:

Tweedia - A type of milkweed. Healing, peace and harmony, gentleness with oneself, trust, beauty, clearing.

Delphinium - Encouragement, swiftness and light, resolution, present awareness, creativity and imagination.

Lisianthus - Prairie Gentian, conflict resolution

Pansy - Thought, stress relief, truth, discernment, stop rushing, spend time, self-exploration, contemplate, clarity.

Hydrangea - A carry-over energy from March. First steps, transitions, release old relationships that no longer serve you, break down a big problem into small pieces.

Hyacinth - Charm, concentrate on being rather than doing, attracting gifts, a reminder to stop buzzing like a bee, be as a flower.

Clematis Bloom -  Awake to the magic of life, clarity, simplicity, happiness, harmony, intuition, relaxation, ingenuity.

Anemone - Daughter of the wind, royalty, renewal, hope, brevity.

Mint - Protection, healing, prosperity, anxiety calming, communication, low maintenance.

Disclaimer: All information contained here is for educational and informational purposes only and is based on traditional usage and research articles. None of this information is intended to replace the services of a qualified health care practitioner. None of these statements have been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. None of these products is intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.